Now on Short-Term Disability with Diagnosis of Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis
Trinna Patterson was a 48-year-old healthy woman working as a pharmaceutical representative, that is until she was mandated to get the covid jab. Trinna did not want to get the shot but her company told her that she either gets it or she would lose her job and the large bonus that she had worked all year to earn.
Trinna had already had covid and had a high level of natural antibodies in her system. She even tried to get an exemption, but it was denied. Reluctantly, on November 8 at 1:05 PM, she went to get the jab and because of her hesitancy, she recorded the procedure. By 2:15 PM, Trinna developed a bad headache. She took some Advil and ate some lunch but it progressively got worse. By day 3, it was so bad that she couldn’t get out of bed so she called her doctor for a prescription.
A week later her headache was so bad that she could not function at all. Her doctor started her on a steroid and a migraine medication, which she got zero relief from. Trinna had to take time off of work and over the next 30 days, her headache got unbearable. Sixty days later, the doctor started her on yet another pharmaceutical.
By February, she was bedridden and had no choice but to go see a neurologist and a vascular doctor. Her MRI showed that this once very fit and healthy young women, now had the brain of a 72-year-old woman. Her once normal blood pressure was now reading around 171 over 105 so she was put on a beta blocker.
Trinna was desperate for help and tried to get into a specialist at the Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins, which she was denied by both. After 15 months and now on short-term disability, Trinna found out that she had a vascular issue in her brain. Trinna was diagnosed with vaccine-induced vasculitis/encephalitis. She is treating herself with natural supplements, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and has found some minor relief, but her brain issues have not completely stopped. She still has trouble sleeping, severe brain fog and terrible headaches.
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