Patient Codes in Hospital but They Never Even Notify Wife of Occurrence
Eric Cedarstrom was a beloved husband. He was a healthy, strong runner and weightlifter. He ran his own business and had a radio show for many years. However, after coming down with Covid and falling into the hospital death trap with the deadly government-handed-down protocols, that all changed.
At first the doctor refused to see him and told him to fight it out at home. But after his oxygen saturation dropped into the 80’s, he had to go to the hospital and get treated. The hospital gave Eric the standard protocol of steroids, convalescent plasma, Tocilizumab and then, of course, the deadly cocktail of numerous sedatives and narcotics. His wife, Lori, was isolated from Eric for 18 days and their repeated requests for Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), antibiotics and an inhaler were all denied. They were not treating his pneumonia, just following their typical Covid protocol no matter what the patient had. One size fits all kind of approach, when we all know that is not proper medicine.
Eric was not eating or drinking and was clearly nutrition insufficient. The doctor continually pushed for the ventilator and for them to sign a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), but that is out of the question for a healthy 61-year-old man who had a case of treatable pneumonia.
The doctor finally agreed to give him antibiotics but after finding a clot in his heart, they took the antibiotics away and he slowly declined. The Infectious Disease doctor told Lori he was struggling on the Bi-Pap mask and wanted to transfer him to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for a closer watch.
Lori felt like something was wrong one night and called the hospital only to find out that he coded that night, and they did not even call her. She begged to be able to see him and they allowed her 45 minutes with her husband. He looked like skin and bones because he had lost about 50 pounds in the hospital. They informed Lori that they were moving Eric to ICU, but no one told her that was to put him on a ventilator. Finally, she got the doctor to prescribe HCQ only to have the pharmacy deny filling it. Lori knew something was not right and so did one of Eric’s nurses. She told Lori to keep asking questions.
Unfortunately, the lack of treatment for so long and huge amount of dangerous drugs Eric was subjected to, caused his kidneys to start failing along with a number of other issues.
Lori lost her husband of 34 years on August 4, 2020.
Despicable! Criminal! The actions and inactions of professional licensed Healthcare professionals are unforgivable!. Keep sharing these stories!