She Was Shamed, Criticized, Belittled, and Psychologically Abused For Being Unvaccinated
She was constantly asked about her vaccination status by every nurse, nurse practitioner and doctor that attended to her and almost everyone made a negative comment about it.
Montrose Regional Hospital, Colorado
My mother went to the doctor on December 6, 2021, because she had been sick for a while and wasn’t getting better. At this visit, she was diagnosed with COVID-19, a fever of 103 with low oxygen levels, and was sent home. On December 9, 2021, she went to the ER because she felt even worse and was having trouble breathing. She was admitted to the hospital where she was quarantined and monitored.
The victim was shamed, criticized, belittled and psychologically abused for being unvaccinated. She was constantly asked about her vaccination status by every nurse, nurse practitioner and doctor that attended to her and almost every one made a negative comment about it. One nurse even went off on a tirade about the "unvaccinated" being uneducated and insinuated that my mother, and others, deserved to die because of their vaccination status.The first contact I received about her condition was a voice mail from a nurse practitioner stating that Mom was “doing just fine.” When I returned her call, I asked about a treatment plan and inquired about Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine. The NP immediately became hostile with me and said that doctors were losing their licenses for prescribing those medications, and Mom would not be receiving any of that. Suddenly, Mom went from “doing just fine” to the NP talking about death and ventilators.
Mom was not allowed visitors for the first 7 days. During this time, she was put on a high pressure oxygen respirator and a cocktail of remdesivir, morphine and lorazepam. She was on the pressurized oxygen for so long that it blew a hole in one of her lungs.
A call from a nurse blamed me for not visiting my mom when they would not allow me to visit her!
By the time I was able to visit, it was already too late. During the time that I was allowed to be with her, I witnessed almost every single nurse, NP and doctor make negative comments about her being unvaccinated, and insinuating that it was her own fault for ending up so sick. There was even one nurse who went off on a lengthy tirade about the “unvaccinated, uneducated country folk congregating at the tractor store to cure COVID-19 with the horse de-wormer they read about on social media.” He went on to say that the “unvaccinated were hogging beds from people who were more deserving.”
My mother was treated with disdain the moment she set foot in the ER. Throughout her entire hospital stay, she was shamed, criticized and psychologically abused for being unvaccinated. One nurse actually said the unvaccinated are "uneducated country folk who were hogging beds from those more deserving". Even her death certificate says "unvaccinated," like it's a badge of shame. She was told that she was only allowed to be treated with the approved protocols and was denied the option of any other treatments. She was alone for the first 7 days she was hospitalized, and was only able to text message her family. She was put on a pressurized oxygen respirator and made to lie prone (on her stomach) for 16-18 hours each day. She was on the forced oxygen for so long that it blew a hole in her lung. By the time I was finally allowed to visit, it was already too late. She was also put on a euthanasia cocktail of Remdesivir, morphine and Lorazepam. They installed a PICC line in her arm for "convenience" the night before she was to be released and sent home to die. This procedure was terrifying and painful for my mother, and completely unnecessary by that time. In hindsight, this was definitely done to add some extra costs to the hospital bill, at the real cost of more psychological and physical abuse to my mother.
My biggest regret is not standing up to him and telling him to shut up, but I didn’t want to make things worse for Mom, knowing that she would be alone with him later that night. Mom had a major panic attack that night and had to be sedated. She only got worse from there, and I ended up spending the next two nights in the hospital with her to protect her from more abuse. After those two nights, they sent her home to die. She died six days later, on Christmas Day. I know in my bones that she was euthanized because she was unvaccinated, and an easy target for the hospital to profit.
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The Remembrance Project is a living archive dedicated to documenting the stories of individuals impacted by crimes against humanity during the pandemic. If you have a story to share, please submit it. Explore more reported cases of humanity's betrayal below. We urge you to spread awareness by sharing this page on social media. As it may face censorship, consider emailing it directly to your loved ones. Thank you for joining us in shedding light on the harrowing experiences endured by these individuals, and together, let's work towards preventing such atrocities from happening again.
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This is what I expected if the un-vax had to be hospitalized. It’s a nightmare I dread. So very sad for you and your mom…. How can these doctors and nurses live with themselves? Who are these uncaring, medical people who think they are authorized to insult a sick patient? They need naming and shaming.
I still pray every night for the monsters to be brought to justice, because if they are not, they will plan similar mass murders in the future. It was intentional killing from the beginning from the top of the power structure on down. This is no excuse for the hospitals, administrators, doctors and nurses further down the chain of command, who remained silent in the face of evil, when they should have taken a stand against it.
Remember always: The shots were never brought out to stop Covid. Rather Covid was intentionally unleashed so they could then launch the experimental shots.
"Anthony Fauci, the most prolific serial killer of all time"