TriStar Hendersonville, Tennessee
My mother, Pam Smith, was admitted to TriStar Hendersonville Hospital on 1/15/2022 due to issues breathing. Upon her admission, the staff subjected her to a C19 test which was supposedly positive. Unfortunately, I was living in Denver at the time and unable to confirm first hand the actual events. My mother’s health seemed to improve until she had an incident in the bathroom one night prompting them to move her to the ICU on 1/21/2022.
Overall, I think she was treated well by the nursing staff and various members of the care team, but when I requested they try Imervectin or HCQ, the doctors became increasingly hostile telling them that there is zero chance of them trying them as they are experimental. When I pointed out that the Remdesivir they used was also experimental and that President Trump had signed the Right to Try bill, they reiterated that they wouldn't try IVM or HCQ and that I shouldn't mention it again. When I threatened to escalate to the hospital administration, they threatened to ban me from the hospital leaving my mother without a patient advocate. I opted to be by her side and didn't know how else to proceed.
Most of the staff seemed like they genuinely cared, but there were some doctors that made me really nervous. I spent as much time with her as possible trying to help her eat, practice breathing exercises, etc., but noticed her slowly requiring more and more breathing support via the machines. I also noticed she stopped vacating her bladder as much which worried me because it told me her internal organs were likely shutting down. While we had some days where she seemed to improve, she was ultimately on a downward decline until they had to intubate her.
The doctor became hostile when James requested the Right to Try.
The doctor initially felt it would be temporary, but that optimism was short-lived as she continued to struggle. At one point, I begged them to try Ivermectin and/or Hydroxychloroquine, but they refused saying they weren’t proven drugs and that the side effects were unknown. I quickly responded by saying the same about Remdesivir which they told me wasn’t true and that it was a proven drug approved by the NIH, CDC, etc. as part of the C19 hospital protocols. I told them that President Trump had signed the Right To Try Bill, but they told me it wasn’t applicable in my mom’s situation. Essentially, they didn’t really want to help her and their responses to my concerns confirmed my fears that she was going to be another notch on their belt and that the hospital would receive payout for.
I am making sure that I warn anyone and everyone about the dangers of Remdesivir. My advice to other families would be to know from Day 1 what the hospital is giving and/or plans to give your loved ones and why. I believe that every nurse, doctor, administrator and policy maker up to and including the CDC and Fauci should be held responsible. My mom was only 67 at the time of her passing and she had many, many years left to spend with family, friends, etc.
Join the Remdesivir Adverse Effects & Fatalities Research Study to share your experience and help uncover the truth. Your participation is vital in seeking justice and accountability.
The Remembrance Project is a living archive dedicated to documenting the stories of individuals impacted by crimes against humanity during the pandemic. If you have a story to share, please submit it. Explore more reported cases of humanity's betrayal below. We urge you to spread awareness by sharing this page on social media. As it may face censorship, consider emailing it directly to your loved ones. Thank you for joining us in shedding light on the harrowing experiences endured by these individuals, and together, let's work towards preventing such atrocities from happening again.
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These hospitals need to be hit with some class action lawsuits and the entire incentive structure needs changing. I am in the UK and, although we have the National Health Service, the Medicines & Healthcare Regulatory Agency who licence pharmaceutical products are 89% industry funded. There are shocking reports about the use of 'end of life pathways' before, during and after COVID.
So very sorry for the loss of your Mom. 💔✝️. That Dr ( I use the term loosely) should face charges! Shame on him and all the ones who spouted this “policy” knew better and Did Not have the testicular fortitude to stand up and fight for their patients! Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have been proven and safe ( and inexpensive) for literally decades! As for fakey faux fraudulent Fauci there is a special place in He// for that evil! I. Case anyone missed it …. In medical txs there has Always been The Right to Refuse and so called txs!!! We were taught that from the beginning of training!!! Anything from a simple aspirin to surgery!!!🤯🤬😞