The Most Suppressed Book of Our Generation
You can now get it as a documentary entirely for free!
The most suppressed book ever is now the most important documentary of our lifetimes.
Jeff Hays Films has turned Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s best-selling book, The Real Anthony Fauci…
Into a spellbinding documentary film…
And they’re releasing it ENTIRELY FREE to the public on October 18th, 2022.
Go here to unlock the film of the year based on the #1 most suppressed book EVER.
We’re on a mission to put a stop to the lies once and for all.
The book sold over a million copies and impacted the lives of countless people.
But at over 600 pages, it’s an intimidating read.
That’s why they made it possible for you to watch it as a film in your own home for free.
Getting this documentary out is the best chance we have of exposing the world to the truth.
Together we can get this film into everyone’s hands.
This is going to be the SHOCKumentary of the decade…
So if you’re on board with exposing the truth about Dr. Anthony Fauci…