Patient has 50% Oxygen Saturation After Being Starved of Oxygen by Hospital for Seven Days
My mother, Rebecca Stevens, was a 59-year-old grandmother to five grandsons whom she absolutely adored. My mother suffered from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for over 15 years. She was admitted to the hospital on September 27, 2021, with shortness of breath and symptoms that presented as a COPD flareup.
She was asked about her vaccination status right away. My mother’s intuition told her to lie about her vaccination status, so she said she was vaccinated. She was given the appropriate treatment right away: oxygen, breathing treatments and appropriate steroids. Two days later, they found out she was unvaccinated. Her treatment plan took a drastic turn. Medical records show that they discontinued all appropriate treatment and started to order Remdesivir. I warned her about Remdesivir the day she was admitted. The medical records also show that my mother refused Remdesivir five different times and they continued to re-order it even after she refused.
She was starved of oxygen for seven days, leaving her with only 50% oxygen in her bloodstream. They withheld breathing treatments, steroids, and they were not giving her the appropriate amount of oxygen. After 17 days of extreme neglect and my mother begging for help, they transferred her to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where they ordered for her to begin end-of-life care.
Medical records show that they started her on the Remdesivir on October 6 against her will. It was that same day she started to desaturate and have chest pain. I tried to have my mother transferred to a different hospital because she was in fear for her life. My mother was held hostage.
The pulmonologist told me that they did a new Covid test and she was still positive. This was 20 days later. After 10 days of quarantine, you are supposedly not contagious anymore. I called attorneys and even the police and nobody would help me. She was forced into hospice after 10 days in ICU where we were given no other choice, but to do general in-patient hospice.
My mother was given a date and time for her death. On October 22 at 1:00 PM, they started her end-of-life process. I begged the ICU head nurse to let her grandsons say goodbye. She refused and told me it was a liability. At that point I had done my research and told her there is no liability. They have complete immunity. She then agreed to let my poor children say goodbye to their grandmother through the window as my mother cried in her ICU bed.
My sister and I were allowed into the room where she was overdosed on extremely high doses of narcotics right in front of us. They took away her oxygen and we had to sit there for an hour as she gasped for air.
It has been my mission ever since to find more victims and speak out about the atrocities that our loved ones were forced to endure, all in the name of “science.” Our families have been left completely defenseless, as hospitals are completely protected with shield immunity with the PREP/CARES Acts.
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And this is why the entire medical industry can no longer be trusted, should be treated with complete disdain, and many need to hang for murder! Until we punish these heartless bastards that "followed protocols" instead of saving the lives of their patients, we will never be able to "fix" what was done! I'd sooner beat a doctor to death, than take their advice about anything! Fucking Satanic criminals!
Murder. The Nurses and Doctor ordering, should be publicly hung by the neck until they kick that last kick