And this is why the entire medical industry can no longer be trusted, should be treated with complete disdain, and many need to hang for murder! Until we punish these heartless bastards that "followed protocols" instead of saving the lives of their patients, we will never be able to "fix" what was done! I'd sooner beat a doctor to death, than take their advice about anything! Fucking Satanic criminals!

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I can’t agree with you more Myriad! I haven’t been to my Doc in years. Believe it or not, I actually got a call from my “once doctors office” to schedule an appointment. Egnored it. Will never go back. Never known docs to call there patients to make an appointment. All murderers!

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Integrative Health and Ayurvedic practitioners are the only sources to actually heal

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Don’t forget prayer.

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Amen! God and God's food for medicine is your only salvation, like it or not!

All the rest is just temporary!

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Haven't been to your doc in years? I don't even have a "my doc" and haven't seen a doctor in DECADES.

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So you messed out on beeing one of the millions killed by iatrogenic medicine (I.e., 12.5 to 40 million in the last 50 years!) and think of the poor mortisins you cheated!!! So stop just thinking about you!

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I can’t possibly agree with you more and I’m a retired nurse. I worked as a nurse educator for a while, and I was horrified at the quality of nursing students that I was getting they couldn’t do math, and they were only in it for the money and my old nursing instructor, who was also their nursing instructor, told me that there was all kinds of very strange changes made to the curriculum and they weren’t screening them anymore. So now we have all these people doing it for money and think nothing about putting Remdesivir in your IV. So my advice to everybody is start learning Natural Remedies and stay as far away from hospitals and doctors as humanly possible!

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Took Mom to one of the two local hospitals a few years go for a small emergency, and we both witnessed the nurses and PA’s refusing to wash their hand after handling soiled garments and when moving between patients in the ER rooms. They occasionally applied hand sanitizer, but not always and generally didn’t wear gloves. We were both horrified.

Young people, could give a damn about actually treating my mom; I had to advocate for an IV as she hadn’t been able to tolerate any fluids in over 12 hours and was clearly very dehydrated. They finally grudgingly acquiesced after trying to prepare her to leave after doing absolutely nothing of substance for her. They were all worse than worthless.

God forbid I’m ever so broken or incapacitated that somebody feels the need to drag me to a hospital, I’ll either drag myself out again ASAP or die trying. If what landed you in the hospital doesn’t kill you, the modern nurses and PA’s will, with the doc writing the orders (if the doctor even touches your case these days) and the admin setting the deadly policies.

If I’m going to die, at least I can do it at home in comfortable surroundings, and for free. No need to burden family or estate with the high cost of being shoved into the next life by an abusive team of Mengeles posing as helpers and healers.

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Wow, I can definitely relate to everything that you said the new nurses and nurses aids are disgusting. As far as I’m concerned they have no compassion they just want the money and the patient is an inconvenience. We were never like that when I begin my career over 40 years ago we loved our patients. We spoiled them rotten and I can’t believe how things have taken such a horrible time and last year I got really sick and I have colitis and it flared up really bad on top of pneumonia and my hubby kept saying do you wanna go to the hospital and I just said absolutely not a chance in hell if I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die at home in the comfort of my own bed and obviously I recovered.

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Well done Willowleafe and your survival shows that you didn't need to go to the hospital in the first place.

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Knights of Malta communists hiding in plain site

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Congrats on n being a strong person, mentally, physically and spiritually! This is the way!

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Knights of Malta 🇲🇹 communists hiding in plain sight. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_Military_Order_of_Malta

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The Order's membership includes about 13,500 Knights, Dames and Chaplains.[7] Thirty-three of these are professed religious Knights of Justice.[2] Until the 1990s, the highest classes of membership, including officers, required proof of noble lineage. More recently, a path was created for Knights and Dames of the lowest class (of whom proof of aristocratic lineage is not required) to be specially elevated to the highest class, making them eligible for office in the order.

The Order's modern-day role is largely focused on providing humanitarian assistance and assisting with international humanitarian relations, for which purpose it has had permanent observer status at the United Nations General Assembly since 1994.[8] The Order employs about 52,000 doctors, nurses, auxiliaries and paramedics assisted by 100,000 volunteers in more than 120 countries, assisting children, homeless, disabled, elderly, and terminally ill people, refugees, and lepers around the world without distinction of ethnicity or religion.[b] Through its worldwide relief corps, Malteser International, the order aids victims of natural disasters, epidemics and war.[9]

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Well said BumbleBee, my thoughts exactly.

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Great advice…thanks.

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It would be great if investigative journalists took the time to critically examine the claims being made, rather than simply accepting the official narrative. No H5N1 "virus" has ever been directly purified, isolated from fluids, & scientifically proven to be pathogenic.

Here are resources to help your investigation:

1. Lack of purification/isolation.


2. No H5N1.


3. Genomic tricks.


4. The necessary scientific evidence required.


5. The fallacies of virology.


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Not in the next 10 years!!!

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Might want to ask the Pope how that vaccine push worked out - karma

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Catholic apologist Ann Barnharde can give you all the facts on why Commi Bergelio [whatever] is not the Pope, I.e. an Anti Pope!

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Steve Mitzner

See the book, "What The Nurses Saw." ....No human activity can ever be free from error, but to be clear, this book is not about the kind of error all human beings are prone to.

As you will learn from the eyewitness accounts and technical information presented in this book, calling the failed COVID protocols “errors” is inaccurate.

What The Nurses Saw — It was Murder." ( I call it, Wages of sin death!) as in Romans 6:23)

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Murder. The Nurses and Doctor ordering, should be publicly hung by the neck until they kick that last kick

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Amen. Until then, publicly dox them, taunt them and let everyone know they're hired assassins.

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If one is rich enough, one should find a lawyer to sue them for malpractice on an award % fee basis

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Problem is hospitals have a time limit in which you can sue them. For Kaiser it is only 90 days. That does not give anyone enough time to plan services and grieve and have time to think and look back and get documents to figure out their loved one was murdered. I contacted many lawyers who told me it was too late. I wonder if I can get a bill passed that will allow anyone whose family member was given Remdesiver (under Fauci knowing it is a drug that killed many in clinical trials) and died. Or we should all personally sue Fauci. Is he protected from any and all criminal acts? What about in other countries where they listened to him?

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Thanks for the detailed reply. You say that Kaiser have a limit of 90 days, but surely the time limit is set by a statute of limitations set by the state. Do medical services really have the right to set their own time limits? Is this something specified in the small print of Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)?

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Lawyers are criminals and none of them appear to want to touch these cases.

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Lawyers are also only in it for the money and they focus on getting "winnable cases" rather than helping people who have been wronged. Even Legal Aid has this mindset.

I can remember when Legal Aid was first started to give poorer people a way to get legal advice and the lawyers who worked there genuinely cared about justice.

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I agree.

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And people still ask me why I support the death penalty for all those involved in these dastardly crimes. All of them need to be ended. Especially those "following orders". But we know that since 1945, don't we?

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No, we're all supposed to hug it out and move on. Come on, mistakes were made, move on. 👌

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Dancing. There has to be a hospital band and the dancing sisters. Performing “Dancing the Guilt Away” by Remi Desivir.

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Take a long walk on a SHORT pier

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Is that even possible?

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Sure the hell is

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This evil is too hard to bare. I'm so sorry.

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They tried to give me Remdesivir in the ER of Eden Hospital in 2021.

I had tested positive for covid and I probably should never have even tested! It was all such BS. But I had a pretty severe case of the flu and went to the ER to get some help.

I had flu symptoms nothing else no breathing difficulties nothing nothing else that would give them The joy they sought by sticking a tube down my throat. Then they tried to sneak in the poison Remdesivir, but I was on to them!

Thank GOD, I had studied and researched from the beginning of the plan demic so I told them to get that s**t away from me!

I got my monoclonal antibodies by infusion (much to their disappointment and my relief) and then I got the hell out of that death factory!

And my family wonders why I have no use (or at least very little use) for doctors or nurses.

I will die when GOD has ordained that I die… and I don't need any help from the medical practitioners of this world.

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Do you remember a evil Bolshevik named Trotsky that helped murder all those Christians during the Bolshevik Revolution ? About 66 million slaughtered.

His great granddaughter works for the National Institute of health. She has watched about 2 million Americans die from Fentanyl. She was supposed to do something about it. Instead she sat on her criminal butt and made that money for more than 20 years. Her name is Nora Volkow. You can look it up yourself.

Trotskyscreal name was Bronstien. Just kike Bibi Netanyahus real name is Milkowski. They lie about everything.

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The district of criminals is over run by self-proclaimed Trotskyites. Like Lenin and Trotsky they belong to the insane tribe.


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If you were to study up on who the communist are and who mass murdered 66 million Christians in the Soviet Union you wouldn't be so dumb.

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Who is cursing Israel?

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Jesus loves Truth tellers. He wasn't much on the money changers and liars.

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This is a horror story. I am so sorry for your Mother and family. 💔😭 I pray that you may find some measure of justice by suing the shit out of all involved! Bastards!

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I am a retired UK Registered Nurse. Your mother was murdered by people who took an oath to do no harm. During the Nuremberg trials many of the people that worked in the concentration camps used the excuse " I was just following orders." I am appalled at what your family went through and have heard that similar treatment was forced on patients in the UK. I am still being offered vaccines when it has been proven that they are neither safe nor effective. I am sick of saying NO.

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I feel your betrayal and outrage …Justice needs to be served .

There are far too many “healthcare professionals “ who operated with flagrant disregard for ethics, good practices, morality, and Hippa

I am astounded at how many participated in concert in blatantly bad practices and for what ?…bonus incentives ? potential job losses? Promotions ? What kind of BEASTS are operating in our hospitals ?

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Sometimes Devils pretend to be God.

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It isn't as complicated as you think.

Get on the internet browser Yandex.com and read about the Bolsheviks. They are the evil trash behind the curtains.

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Oh my yes familial lineages of generational evil …power and profits steering their evil ship .

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Wtf. They murdered her.

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I am so sorry for your loss. How did they find out she was not vaccinated? My husband’s story is on here, too. “He lied and survived.” I think they knew he was not vaccinated but couldn’t prove it.

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I’m really not sure. I’ve always assumed she slipped up 💔

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Agenda #1, Depop.

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Without understanding that in its entirety, many things don't make sense. Then, they do.

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My hubby died alone in icu in the acute after almost 2 weeks there. He told me before they vented him the MD’s don’t care they are just letting us die. They told me “ why isn’t he vaccinated,you’re a nurse you should know better “. It broke me not to be by his side. My kids never got to say goodbye and i have other weird things to this story too. He got the steroid and vancomycin but not remdesivir because he already was isolated at home for ten days. Yes i am a nurse but would never treat people like the acute nurses do. Two-good nurses and the rest bad.

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I'm sorry for your loss. The Rockefeller medical Bolsheviks are evil.

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I experienced this very same protocol. Came into Emergency during Seizure episode. This hospital has all of my medical records since 2005 when I suffered the first seizure. No we didn’t get inoculated nor did we adhere to any of the mandates. After becoming more coherent, I started asking questions about the contents of 4 IVS. Heparin in one, reason the blood thickens and gets sticky. My normal daily BP was elevated. I told them to take it out. A laxative pill they were going to give me was refused. They didn’t ask me about my bowl habits, I told her I have 2-3 movements a day. Why didn’t she ask my husband. Potassium and the seizure med. then another nurse was next to the head of the bed. I asked what was she doing? Oh, I’m giving you Remdesivir because you tested positive for Covid and we have to quarantine you for ten days although I was I guess asymptomatic because I surely didn’t have any symptoms. I adamantly said, “oh no you are not!” My husband refused the PCR test and they gave it to me anyway. He told the doctor and nursing staff that if they gave me any treatment(s)without my or his consent that we would “Sue”the hospital to the fullest extent of the law. I also asked for the results of the PCR test which I have not received to this day. The discharge records cited that I was 170lbs, I’m 159lbs, BP 170/90. Went to the Neurologist the next week. BP 113/70, Wt. 160. No issue with breathing. Medicare billing shows that a Psychiatrist billed for services and the usual recorded drug treatments weren’t included in the billing statement. Referred to my attorney.

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I hope you win millions! I'm so sorry for the evil hospital actions on you! This was wrong too! They really went wild with undocumented and wrong evil actions and got away with it!

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Good for you !

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It would be helpful to know what States are committing such atrocities .

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This happened at Advent Health Hospital in Altamonte Springs Fl. Thank you 🙏💔

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Thank for the warning, though they’re not the only guilty parties. Every hospital that was incentivized to find and mis-treat the imaginary virus took the bait. Mistakes were not made; crimes were committed.

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Greedy trashy employees are just as guilty as the Bolsheviks behind the curtains.

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No one took note that during the plandemic, flu cases were almost nonexistent! I think only a little over 11 thousand instead of the usual 200,000.

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Thank you for telling us. I am so very sorry for what you both have endured. I suppose you’ve heard about Grace Schara who died at the hands of medical “professionals” at Ascension. You’d have plenty to talk about with this family.


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And people think FL is so great

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If you're part of the elite or have been there for a long time and have connections. We tried moving there because youngest son lost his leg in car accident in 23, initial life saving care was good, after the "expert MDs got involved, a nightmare). We lost over 100k from Helene and Milton. Lost both cars and insurance paid less than for one much lesser car. Most everything is a scam nowadays.

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It was because Her Husband gave them permission to end her life. Her parents wanted to take her home and take care of her. He said No.

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I don't! I grew up in Florida and it's always been a Cracker cesspool.

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Altamonte Springs & Orlando area is a liberal haven.

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A lot depended on whether a city was run by Democrat or Republican.

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Thank you for sharing please complain to all gov and regulatory agencies to make some kind of record that may be used to retroactively prosecute the nurses Advent Health Hospital in Altamonte Springs Fl if our society regains its sanity.

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Thank you for the kind words everyone. I shared my mother’s story in this documentary a few years ago. I show some of my mother’s medical records too. Documentary is called “Making A Killing “. You can also find it on Makingakillingdoc.com episode 1

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I am so so sorry for your loss. I don't know which emotion is strongest when reading your story - absolute heartache for you, your dear mom and your family, or intense anger at those evil bastards. They have to pay.

My mom was also a COPD sufferer and got covid early on in the "plandemic". She spent 3 weeks in ICU, isolated, with no family allowed (it was only my sister, and I'm in Europe). At the age of 85, she walked out of there after 3 weeks, to applause from all of the staff, thanks to her absolutely brilliant doctor - probably one of the best in SA, if not the world, judging by the stories that are emerging of how people like your mom were treated. 😥 He kept me updated on a daily basis, despite his hectic schedule as a pulmonologist.

Tragically, the damage done was too much and we lost her a year later.

I thank God for her caring, compassionate, brilliant doctor because he gave her another year. I still grieve for her and I'm still very angry and bitter at how this whole thing played out, but my story could have been yours, and that would have done me in.

I wish you peace and strength, but also the courage to fight back and get justice for your mom. They cannot be allowed to get away with this. 🤗❤️💔

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All. The hospital systems love the extra cash incentives.

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The same disregard for healing for an unvaccinated patient at Northwestern Medicine Delnore Hospital in St Charles IL. November 2021.

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My state isn't

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Bastards. This happened all over

America and they must be made to pay, or they'll do it again. Those clamoring to "unite and put it behind us" have the most to hide and lose.

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Oh, for crying out loud! You sound like Joe McCarthy.

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Medical murderers its time for them to pay for their criminality actions

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I think they should be convicted and shot.

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