I have heard almost the same story too many times. Who makes the hospitals protocols? The hospitals and pharmaceutical would lose too much money if they used Ivermectin. They’re all in it for the money. They have lost their perspective on what and who are important. The Health profession has gone done the tubes.

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Same stories, still going on today at hospitals in all states. They are killing people for money either by the injections or hospital protocols. This is not malpractice, this is a premeditated medical murder.

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This SHOULD BE so sad. But I'm only allowed two "should"s a day, and I'm already done today. So, if it doesn't HAVE to be sad, this might be why:

" If the wealthy are being treated this way, then it's good!!! " (PS. Implies an understanding and acceptance that the poor will be treated badly.) Dang!! If you'd been poor, you'd have known they were going to kill you,;you'd have known you could not afford their "practicing" anyway, ever,;you'd have had to learn how to care for your and your family's health, and you would not have gone into there!! Sucks being poor!!

My mom's favorite wall sign was "If you're so damned smart, why ain't you rich?"

That hobo warming a can over an open fire looked like the happiest human I'd ever seen!! So from the time I was but a young wee one, I asked myself, "If they're so damned rich, why ain't they smart?"

Oh, dear!! When , where, how ever did "caste' and "class" begin to fail ya? From the moment you "believed" in them. Grow up and understand that those who confer that "privilege" on you are using you just as much, even more, than they use all the rest of life.

'Cause they've conned you into working for them, for their agenda. So many Polly Tomney stories. The perfect monied parents/people. With money you can't go wrong. And your fear and pride will cause you to oppress the poor for them, for yourselves who want to see yourselves "as" them.

Not much to say about all those humans who put their faith and trust in "money". Live and learn.

Meanwhile, those who don't worship that dead money, are welcome, by yourselves, to die on your streets.

Not much to say about such a death dealing culture. Time to take a real good and truthful assessment, folks.

"They got Stars on Thars."

Just saying. How about a truly "new" kind of year, huh? What might that be?

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