Where does this title you use for this article relate to the story given here? From the very start, this man is not capable of speaking.

So what's up with the title? Disaster capitalism eventually reveals itself for what it is.

I think this was made up. Fiction. For shame.

Like so many MSM "reports" , pure lies.

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“The doctor said he could but he would not be the same person that I knew. “ I do not understand a doctor saying such a thing!!! There should be a wrongful suit brought against these medical professionals. Look very carefully at their charting!!

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Oh my Lord! I'm so sorry -- I know I speak for thousands that we grieve along with you - this is monstrously evil what they did to your dear husband. I pray one day that you will have some type of compensation and healing from this unspeakable crime. My uncle was also given remdesivir and died within 48 hours. God help us all.

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