Class action lawsuit comes to mind. I have a story that could have had a similar outcome. I wouldn't mind being in such a lawsuit. One hospital corporation took in $3 billion. Surely someone out there is a legal beagle who knows there is a real risk but real change for the folks taken advantage of imo.

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Watch Naomi Wolf's recent video of the 2 attorneys in Florida who have submitted criminal charges against hospital administrators in 3 states (Tx, LA and FL) for the families of victims who were murdered from the hospital protocols of Covid. They site that charges range from Kidnapping, battery, homicide and others for detaining people against their will, giving medication without informed consent or giving when patients refused, and giving medication in doses known to cause death or injury. Included is placing patients on ventilators when they have not consented and initiating DNR protocols without consent from patients or family members. They also submitted these documents to law enforcement in the counties where the patients lived. I guess we'll see where that goes. It sounds like they had thoroughly investigated and researched the law and have solid evidence.

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It is so sad that our healthcare system has deteriorated so much. I’ve been sick for two weeks and I’m nursing myself at home. I told my husband I’d rather die at home then go into the hospital. Getting better today, but I was pretty sick last week, suspected pneumonia. (RN)

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I hope one day American Frontline Nurses will start naming names and the legal system can start holding these people accountable. Criminal, despicable and a complete abandonment of the Hippocratic oath doesn't even being to to describe this butchery.

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They are still protecting the criminals when their name is not published.

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I agree. Say the name. I am not an attorney, but I believe as long as you are saying the truth, then you should not be sued. Say this doctor, named, blah, blah, came in the room first thing when I entered the ER and said. " ".

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Will childrens health defense help ?

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I have been trying to tell my daughters story Please start a class action lawsuit

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