Sorry about this hell you were put through, like so many others.

Now my sons of 28 and 26 understand...or they would if they dared to fully listen...why I told them from early on that they were never, ever under any circumstances to take me to any hospital.

Been there. Not good.

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I am so so sorry for what you went through. I cannot even imagine the pain you felt. I went through something very similar with my mom in the hospital when she had covid but I was fortunate enough to get her out and find a doctor who was compassionate enough not to give her remdesivir which was the standard protocol. They put her on a DNR without my permission and laughed it off when I called them out. They told her she wouldn't make it through the night when she was admitted because she was not vaccinated and she called me crying to say goodbye. It was the absolute worst experience of our lives and I will never forget nor will I forgive. My heart and prayers are with you and your family.

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Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your moms story. When I read a survivor's story, it brings a sigh of relief knowing they (hospital) were not successful in a senseless act.

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I miss her .

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So do I big brother.. 💔

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An audio recording of two hospital workers at some hospital. (From Tom Renz)


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Wow, thank you for sharing this.

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