Great to see someone have real success with recovery from serious AE's from the shots. I don't recall reading one elsewhere with such positive results, even though the recovery is not complete.

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Thank you for sharing this story, complete with beginning, middle, and end results of recovery through therapy - so rarely provided.

See which batches had tinnitus as an adverse reaction at matchyourbatch.org and to view the individual reports.

VAERS records for: ( Type: Covid19, Covid19-2 ) ( Manufacturer: Janssen, Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, Novavax, Unknown ) ( Symptoms using OR: Tinnitus )

24,956 events reported through May 5, 2023

Of which: 16 died 0.1% | 224 life-threatening 0.9% | 3,654 permanently disabled 14.6% | 10 possible miscarriage or stillbirth 0.0%

NOTE: VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. (Source: CDC)

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Curiously, the top five batches for tinnitus (by number) are Pfizer batches that begin with "ER87"

batch freq pct

1 er8729 76 0.58

2 er8732 75 0.57

3 er2613 75 0.57

4 er8730 74 0.57

5 er8734 73 0.56

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