It is really heartbreaking. We hear almost exactly the same stories from family members of the patients who were killed in the hospitals across America in all states. The doctors and nurses carry out the killing for money.

1. Covid test positive and admit them (extra bonus money)

2. Patients are isolated

3. Administer Remdesivir even if the patients or their family said NO, they do it anyway. (Extra bonus)

4. If unvaccinated, no water or food

5. little to no communication to family

6. Refuse to provide any other treatment such as vitamins etc

7. ventilate the patient (extra bonus)

8. Push DNR

9. Push comfort care (for referral money)

10. Kill the patient, add Covid as one of the causes of death in the death certificate (extra bonus)

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Thank you for your comment. Reading this again puts a knife in my heart. We need accountability

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Unbelievable that health care staff have become so heartless. My FIL died after 9 days with no fluid or nutrition in a covid ward in New Zealand. He had hospital acquired covid, testing positive the day before surgery was scheduled for his severe crones disease. He was doing great until they put him on Paxlovid. He rebounded after the course ended then went into organ failure. We were not allowed to see him until he was incoherent, and they would not allow him to use the phone to talk to us before that (he had no mobile). They then had him heavily sedated because he was so agitated. How he survived for 9 days with no hydration and organ failure, makes me think that he would have been strong enough to survive had they had continued fluids and nutrition. So many questions and no answers.

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So sorry to read about your father-in-law, Anita. It is so hard to believe that this is still happening around the world. Where is the accountability as Deana mentioned above?

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