I had a similar situation with my Mother. Except it happened all within 36 hrs. It was devastating to say the least. Sending healing prayers for you and your family.

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My deepest condolences to you and your family. These stories are so painful and horrific. Please keep fighting for justice for your mother and the others who have suffered at the hands of hospital negligence.

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How do these doctors and nurses live with themselves, knowing that they cause the deaths of so many innocent people.

Maybe they are all just too stupid to know what they have done, or too egotistical to acknowledge it, in either case, how on Earth are they qualified to work in healthcare?

Voltaire once said of doctors;

"Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing".

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As a former nurse( last worked in 2003), I am sick about how patients were treated in the hospitals!! I could never go back as much as nursing was part of me. I am so very sorry to read these stories of losses of loved ones. It makes me both sad and angry as more and more comes out regarding the lies, the corruption, the non compassion and the greed that took place and most likely still is. I wish we could get that time back in a different way. The loss of so many with nonsence is evil.

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This is a nightmare story. So sad. It is almost as if when a person has underlying conditions, the hospitals seem to go through the motions but have no hope of doing anything that will help. One important bit of information is missing in this whole story. Remdesivir causes many organs to fail if given for long term. From the medical records can someone publish if Wonder was given that medication for more than a few days? To me, this is a critical part of this woman's mistreatment.

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I read each of these and feel for these families. Unfortunately this will happen again if we do not demand justice. We must have trials and punishments as these were nothing short of pre meditated murder. The Dr's and nurse murdering these people knew better. The person giving the order and executing the order must be held accountable. Meanwhile what is wrong with the medical community that they follow CDC rules and know they are wrong? If DR's cannot and will not think outside CDC guidelines or the hospital heads guidelines what is the point of having them? Any idiot can follow orders, any idiot can pull up CDC death protocols. The problem we have is we are taught to obey " authority" ( whom that is I have no idea because I am not a farm animal that is owned) or highly educated as they know best. The last 4 years now should have broken that idea in our heads. Schools are especially notorious for this follow regimen. The longer you go the more that is indoctrinated and ones ability to break those shackles lessens. These DR's and nurses knew within a half dozen patients this was a death protocol, if they did not then licenses - permission slips - mean nothing. Having one does not mean you are smart or capable, it means you follow orders. It would do us all good to look up and read about the Stanley Milgram experiments and Solomon Asch experiments. I cover them in my stack. They are enlightening and the more people that know about them the better as they will begin to ferret out these human manipulations in real time.

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