I'm so sorry for your loss. These doctors and nurses probably assuage their guilt by telling themselves, "I was just following orders." Well, historically, that's what others told themselves as well. They all committed egregious crimes and valued their paychecks over and above peoples' lives.
I listened to Front Line Doctors and read everything. I’m old and I decided I would never go to the hospital, where they were murdering people. Death at home is better. I did not get Covid till 2022 and I found Ivermectin through FLCCC doctors . I had it in my home before I got Covid so I was prepared. Now, I will never trust the government again. Many psychopaths in placed everywhere under Obama/Biden. Evil is upon us. I grieve for the many families so horrendously hurt by Fauci and his team of demons. So very sorry for your loss. America must wake up the youth ,who have been blinded by evil.
I believe there is so much more to this , your mother’s downturn than you know. I hope there is a good lawyer involved to look into medical malpractice. What did her lab work look like and list of medications and arterial blood gases., etc? Did they have her on high flow oxygen before ventilating? What about the “ uncontrolled” cough?was she dx’d with pneumonia? Everything needs to be scrutinized and investigated!!!
There is no legal recourse. Look at the Cares Act passed by Congress. It gave civil and criminal immunity to all Healthcare providers and entities from any liability related to Covid. You won't even be able to get an attorney to talk to you. Our only recourse is to vote everyone of the corrupt politicians who participated in this genocide out of office.
I cannot fathom having to deal with that silence each day. Especially if the pathological incentives remain in place. A friend told me her mom was declared on hospice to suddenly have covid. They didn't even demand the family wear masks. No one else got it. This reminds me I need to check with local hospital covid protocols, for my elderly parents.
no masks anymore, no talk of covid anymore, no requirements for the covid shots to enter the NICU, no diagnoses of Covid observed, long gone any mention of Covid on the charts, just silence...the only things left as reminders are a few plastic googles in the stock room. It's "as if"....it never happened...except it did.
Everyday I’m here to remind myself and try to heal from the loss of friends and loved ones over the past 4 years. My gut told me day 1 covid and such was a lie. It was obvious as time went on. And fortunately being a nurse myself I knew what to do for the bad cough and my Dr who warned myself and the rest of her patients not to go to the hospital she would took care of us. And she did. What an angel she was. She saved a lot of lives. Remdesivir is a very dangerous drug. It destroys the kidneys and liver. It failed as a drug to treat Ebola. See “Why remdesivir failed: Preclinical assumptions overestimate the clinical efficacy of remdesivir for COVID 19 and ebola”
We were all used as human Guinea Pigs. And then we see the big picture now.
I’m so sorry for all those who landed in the hospital and basically taken captive, given drugs and treatments against their will. There needs to be consequences. We wouldn’t be given a pass for mistakes that were made when we knew better but did it anyway because someone told us so. I will never. Which is we why I left.
When these people die, God will throw each evil physician, nurse, administrator, Fauci, and his cronies and wicked leaders into the “ Eternal Lake of Fire”. It is written! Truth.
They will suffer greatly forever. God means business and these folks have spit in God’s face. Sadly, it won’t be crowded in Heaven. God is sad that these people turned so evil, but I will be glad I will never hear of them again because Im going to Heaven. I look forward to it. I’m so tired of hearing about such evil people.
I watched a group of ICU RN's quit at the beg., they looked shell shocked and spoke out against the vaccine, however they did not reveal the murdering. It's hard to explain but there is a disbelief fueling the silence the closer you get to the locust.
Having worked across sectors, I have found very few colleagues to be particularly brave when it came to saying something that might affect their career.
When will we as a society hold these murders (who are worse in my opinion, than ANY Nazi death camp actors) accountable and penalize them with extreme prejudice???
There are so many stories of these agenda puppets, following blindly or worse with a "for the greater good badge of honor", who left thousands of innocent, dead, in their wakes.
I trust none of these "professionals" and yes I know there are good ones out there, but they are suspect as well. If they are honest and fiduciaries of their patients health and well beings, they will understand your weary eye and suspicions and do all they can to prove they are on your side.
Laws or not, I would encourage all who deal with doctors in these and more benign situation, to carry a discrete recording device on their person. Thank goodness your father had a webcam feed. At least you have that (if archived) to use in court, if you ever get there.
We all need to ask ourselves, friends and families, how many people need to be murdered, before we name these actors as murderers, hunt them down and make them pay for their crimes?? This includes those working on gain of function, leaking it, and covering up for it.
Condolences for your families loss and the torture and murder your mother endured. There is no saving grace in it all, but know that she will be a witness before God, when he judges these evils bastards.
These stories burden my heart and you and your mother and family have my deepest condolences and sympathies for being put through this heinous scenario!!! Unfortunately, These horrific medical activities and abuses by Doctors and Nurses are not new or novel to the Covid Planned Demic but have been going on forever it seems! It unfortunately took this Planned Demic to open our eyes to what has been some truly horrific treatment at the hands of some in the medical community for quite a while now!!!
Over 30 years ago now, I had to rescue my mother from a Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky where she had been operated on for a broken hip. During the rehabilitation physical therapy after surgery she was being overly sedated with pain medication to the point of her hallucinating and the physical therapists was abusing her physically, verbally and emotionally! As soon as I found out I went and got her, gave them all a good tongue lashing and threatened to stomp the shit out of the physical therapist to his face and checked her into a nursing home that gave her the finest care and treatment she could ever have asked for!!!
So this is not new, I think the planned Demic just allowed us to really see the true colors of people who are paid good money to maim and kill for profit!!!
They wanted the room to "vent" another cash cow as soon as possible for more $$$$$$$$$... Every vented patient added most to the bottom line, creating a conveyor economic incentive... See What the nurses saw, video and book by Ken McCarthy.
I'm so sorry for your loss. These doctors and nurses probably assuage their guilt by telling themselves, "I was just following orders." Well, historically, that's what others told themselves as well. They all committed egregious crimes and valued their paychecks over and above peoples' lives.
Yes and that following orders did not work for the Nazis after WW2 at the Nuremberg trials and it should not work now.
it worked great for the "NAZIS" ...look up OPERATION PAPERCLIP...they were all brought here to start all the 3LETTER AGENCIES...
Thank you 🙏
I listened to Front Line Doctors and read everything. I’m old and I decided I would never go to the hospital, where they were murdering people. Death at home is better. I did not get Covid till 2022 and I found Ivermectin through FLCCC doctors . I had it in my home before I got Covid so I was prepared. Now, I will never trust the government again. Many psychopaths in placed everywhere under Obama/Biden. Evil is upon us. I grieve for the many families so horrendously hurt by Fauci and his team of demons. So very sorry for your loss. America must wake up the youth ,who have been blinded by evil.
I believe there is so much more to this , your mother’s downturn than you know. I hope there is a good lawyer involved to look into medical malpractice. What did her lab work look like and list of medications and arterial blood gases., etc? Did they have her on high flow oxygen before ventilating? What about the “ uncontrolled” cough?was she dx’d with pneumonia? Everything needs to be scrutinized and investigated!!!
There is no legal recourse. Look at the Cares Act passed by Congress. It gave civil and criminal immunity to all Healthcare providers and entities from any liability related to Covid. You won't even be able to get an attorney to talk to you. Our only recourse is to vote everyone of the corrupt politicians who participated in this genocide out of office.
disturbing what people are willing to do without "laws" in place
There sure is SO much more to this! It’s sick!
So sorry for your loss. This stll goes on at hospitals all across America. It is not a malpractice but a medical murder for financial gain.
Thank you 🙏
They will pay for what they did to your mother! Our Creator will hold them guilty of murder!
Yes! We may not live to see it, but God will not forget, and will serve ultimate justice for every evil deed!
God sees everything.
Health Care was turned into Iatrogenic genocide, mass murder. We can't talk about it, and we wonder why America is going crazy?
the silence is worse than silence and daily code blues continue
I cannot fathom having to deal with that silence each day. Especially if the pathological incentives remain in place. A friend told me her mom was declared on hospice to suddenly have covid. They didn't even demand the family wear masks. No one else got it. This reminds me I need to check with local hospital covid protocols, for my elderly parents.
no masks anymore, no talk of covid anymore, no requirements for the covid shots to enter the NICU, no diagnoses of Covid observed, long gone any mention of Covid on the charts, just silence...the only things left as reminders are a few plastic googles in the stock room. It's "as if"....it never happened...except it did.
It is deranging them. Thank you for speaking clearly about their derangement. It confirms for me my concern about that.
Everyday I’m here to remind myself and try to heal from the loss of friends and loved ones over the past 4 years. My gut told me day 1 covid and such was a lie. It was obvious as time went on. And fortunately being a nurse myself I knew what to do for the bad cough and my Dr who warned myself and the rest of her patients not to go to the hospital she would took care of us. And she did. What an angel she was. She saved a lot of lives. Remdesivir is a very dangerous drug. It destroys the kidneys and liver. It failed as a drug to treat Ebola. See “Why remdesivir failed: Preclinical assumptions overestimate the clinical efficacy of remdesivir for COVID 19 and ebola”
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov >34252308
We were all used as human Guinea Pigs. And then we see the big picture now.
I’m so sorry for all those who landed in the hospital and basically taken captive, given drugs and treatments against their will. There needs to be consequences. We wouldn’t be given a pass for mistakes that were made when we knew better but did it anyway because someone told us so. I will never. Which is we why I left.
Don’t go to the hospital if you don’t want to be admitted to the hospital…
RIP your dear mother.
Killing Nurses of the Third Reich:
"They were not coerced."
Obviously 'comfort medication' i.e. opiods suppress respiration.
Who trains these people?
When these people die, God will throw each evil physician, nurse, administrator, Fauci, and his cronies and wicked leaders into the “ Eternal Lake of Fire”. It is written! Truth.
They will suffer greatly forever. God means business and these folks have spit in God’s face. Sadly, it won’t be crowded in Heaven. God is sad that these people turned so evil, but I will be glad I will never hear of them again because Im going to Heaven. I look forward to it. I’m so tired of hearing about such evil people.
Thank you 🙏
I watched a group of ICU RN's quit at the beg., they looked shell shocked and spoke out against the vaccine, however they did not reveal the murdering. It's hard to explain but there is a disbelief fueling the silence the closer you get to the locust.
Having worked across sectors, I have found very few colleagues to be particularly brave when it came to saying something that might affect their career.
I hope that I live to see justice done for all of these people who were m̶u̶r̶d̶e̶r̶e̶d̶ treated by these experts.
Unfortunately, I suspect that means that we'll need more gallows and undertakers.
Or volcanoes and helicopters.
I hope to see it too.
When will we as a society hold these murders (who are worse in my opinion, than ANY Nazi death camp actors) accountable and penalize them with extreme prejudice???
There are so many stories of these agenda puppets, following blindly or worse with a "for the greater good badge of honor", who left thousands of innocent, dead, in their wakes.
I trust none of these "professionals" and yes I know there are good ones out there, but they are suspect as well. If they are honest and fiduciaries of their patients health and well beings, they will understand your weary eye and suspicions and do all they can to prove they are on your side.
Laws or not, I would encourage all who deal with doctors in these and more benign situation, to carry a discrete recording device on their person. Thank goodness your father had a webcam feed. At least you have that (if archived) to use in court, if you ever get there.
We all need to ask ourselves, friends and families, how many people need to be murdered, before we name these actors as murderers, hunt them down and make them pay for their crimes?? This includes those working on gain of function, leaking it, and covering up for it.
Condolences for your families loss and the torture and murder your mother endured. There is no saving grace in it all, but know that she will be a witness before God, when he judges these evils bastards.
This Mom is naming names. Hopefully the trend continues. https://mail.aol.com/d/search/keyword=rebecca/messages/ABpvaNF6NVtVZhVZlgUcmNGye8A
My mom was also murdered by the medical system:
I’m so sorry 🫂
It’s called Crimes against Humanity this people should stand trial for cold blood murder!
The only Remembrance Project Google can find is associated with the Southern Poverty Law Center and immigration...
These stories burden my heart and you and your mother and family have my deepest condolences and sympathies for being put through this heinous scenario!!! Unfortunately, These horrific medical activities and abuses by Doctors and Nurses are not new or novel to the Covid Planned Demic but have been going on forever it seems! It unfortunately took this Planned Demic to open our eyes to what has been some truly horrific treatment at the hands of some in the medical community for quite a while now!!!
Over 30 years ago now, I had to rescue my mother from a Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky where she had been operated on for a broken hip. During the rehabilitation physical therapy after surgery she was being overly sedated with pain medication to the point of her hallucinating and the physical therapists was abusing her physically, verbally and emotionally! As soon as I found out I went and got her, gave them all a good tongue lashing and threatened to stomp the shit out of the physical therapist to his face and checked her into a nursing home that gave her the finest care and treatment she could ever have asked for!!!
So this is not new, I think the planned Demic just allowed us to really see the true colors of people who are paid good money to maim and kill for profit!!!
So sorry. 🫂
They wanted the room to "vent" another cash cow as soon as possible for more $$$$$$$$$... Every vented patient added most to the bottom line, creating a conveyor economic incentive... See What the nurses saw, video and book by Ken McCarthy.
There needs to be a name for medical abuse. People being tortured and killed by the medical establishment.
Never heard that before. Thanks.
Check out Toby Rogers’ Substack, uTobian, it’s devoted entirely to the vaccines and iatrogenicide. (or maybe it’s called iatrocide? Not sure…)
Pretty sure it's not a real word (and I think I sort of made it up).
But it absolutely should be.