Thanks for all you are doing to document the COVID medical Holocaust. It seems like people with special needs were targeted more than others.

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I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. I was also a nurse for 35 years and when my daughter came down with Covid we tried the HCQ and Ivermectin at home but she got worse and I had to take her to the hospital on Christmas day 2021. I was allowed to stay with her the first day, then a nurse decided I was a threat and had me removed under threat of arrest by the police. Of course, there really wasn't anything I had done to be arrested for, but I felt I could control things from home since my daughter trusted my judgement and experience and I had access to her MyChart electronically and could review her labs and doctors notes. We kept constant contact through text, facetime and phone calls and it was apparent early that they were trying to make her sicker instead of help her. They started her on Remdesivir even though she refused and kept refusing. After 2 doses it was apparent that it was making her worse. Finally I told her if they attempt to give it again, tell them it is against the Patients Bill of rights to administer treatments once a patient has refused and legally considered assault and battery. She did and they never tried it again. They lied to her about her oxygen levels in order to convince her she needed to be on a vent. So I told her how to start weaning off the oxygen. Once she had been off oxygen for 8 hours and her levels had stayed in the 90's, she told the doctor she wanted to be discharged. The nurses never came in and checked on her so they had no idea any of this was going on. She went 10 hours one day without seeing a nurse, getting food or water. The doctor refused to write a discharge order but told her she could leave AMA. I guess they can't write discharge orders or it invalidates their bonus money. So she left AMA. I know if I hadn't been involved they would have murdered her because one nurse told her as much the 2nd day she was there. The nurse asked her if she had taken the vaccine. My daughter said no. The nurse said to her, "Gee, that's too bad. Then your son wouldn't have to grow up without a mother." She called me crying after that and said "Get me out of here, I think they are trying to kill me." I knew that all along. I was determined that wasn't going to happen. It's just too bad so many families didn't realize their family members were murdered and didn't have to be. Some day the truth will come out and there will be a reckoning unlike nothing we've ever seen in this country.

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I have many stories of the aftermath of Covid , how the poor and people without a voice are treated. I am a RN in healthcare for a very long time.

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Disgusting! Tell me how I can help?

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William Lyman Story - A FormerFedsGroup Interview



Mary Lyman joins us to talk about what happened to her husband William in an American Hospital regarding the Covid Hospital Protocols. "On January 13, 2022, I drove my 76-year-old husband to the hospital because of low oxygen levels. He had Covid in December and developed pneumonia. He walked into the emergency room, and within minutes, they told him he would probably have to go on a ventilator. My husband’s immediate response was, “no, I am not!” After my daughter and I got him checked into the emergency room, they called for an ambulance to take him to the main hospital about six miles away."

To read more about this heartbreaking story and others go to https://chbmp.org/cases/harmed-by-mandates/william-

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One thing I still am not clear about is why all those doctors and nurses really detest the unvaxxed. They can't possibly and honestly believe the injections have any benefits considering the number of vax injuries and death that they should be aware of. Is it about their own financial gain? Anyone?

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The isolation of patients from their family members and caregivers was truly inhuman 🤬

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